Sunday 29 April 2012

So it begins...

Hello fellow rogainers...
I thought I'd keep a blog of the trails and tribulations of organising the 24 hour Qld Championship event  at Eskdale over the coming month.
Why, you ask? Well.. it saves me  having to write a report later on. Also, if I'm foolish enough to volunteer again next year, some kind soul will direct me back to my own words written in blood! Only kidding..I'm sure it will be lots of fun.
If you intend competing, be sure to check my blog every now and then.. I'll include some tips for you.
If you're not competing and would like to help hang some controls around May 26,or help run the admin tent.. let me know. We're still well short of  warm bodies.
Luckily I have my rogaining partner, Bruce Jones,as my right hand man.Dave Firman is going to run the navlight sytem for me, and ,so far, Mike McMahon and partner have volunteered to hang flags.I've also talked Richard Nottle and Kevin McDougall to help with the admin set up. Thanks Guys!
Stay tuned..